Publishing Company of the present site Linking Talents Recruitment, Limited liability company with a share capital of 1,000 euros, registered under number 0788821816, with its head office located at Rue de la Loi 23, 1040 Brussels.
Legal Representative Mr. Joseph CALEN
Publication Director Mr. Joseph CALEN
Hosted by OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Design & Development Linking Talents
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Linking Talents operates in compliance with applicable ethical rules and legal provisions concerning the processing of candidates’ personal data in order to protect such data and to prevent any risk of discrimination. All applications presented on the site are done so generically, with the term ‘candidate’ being used without distinction of sex.
The information that may be collected on this site is exclusively intended for the processing of your request by Linking Talents Group.
In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have at any time a right of access, communication, rectification, updating, and erasure of personal data concerning you. You can exercise any of these rights by sending a letter to: Linking Talents – Quality Service – 178 Avenue des Champs Élysées B562 – 75008 Paris.
We draw your attention to the fact that the information on this site is subject to change without notice, is only indicative, and does not constitute advice, which only a professional can provide.
Candidate files are created with the aim of assisting the Group’s consultants in selecting profiles and will be destroyed if no action is taken on your file, within a maximum of 24 months after the last update made.
Linking Talents does not guarantee the timeliness or the availability of any offer mentioned on this website, such as final terms, nor the duration of an offer obtained through this website.
Similarly, it does not guarantee that submitting an application on the site in response to an advertisement entails the solicitation of an employer or client, the proposal of an interview, an employment, nor that the candidates will be available or will meet the needs of an employer or client.
We cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, suitability, or timeliness of the information on this website, as well as the operation of the latter.
This Website was created in France. By using it, you accept the terms of use described above, without prejudice to any contractual or tortious remedies that may be exercised by Linking Talents. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or execution of a contractual commitment provided for on this site shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts applying French law.
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You are only granted authorization to view its content for personal and private use, excluding any public viewing or broadcasting. The authorization to reproduce is only granted to you in digital form on your consultation computer for the purpose of viewing the pages opened by your navigation software. Paper printing is permitted for private copying, for the exclusive use of the copier as defined in article L. 122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code. The creation of a hyperlink on the Website is allowed without frame to the address of the home page of the site ( excluding any other address.
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